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This blog post isn't here, sorry. ##Reading Comprehension A. What are the seven steps of reading comprehension? B. List three places where comprehension can be really difficult. C. What is the purpose of an introduction to a blog post? A) The seven simple steps for reading comprehension are summarized below, with bold letters indicating the topics that will be addressed for each step: 1) Read 2) Defer judgment 3) Notes & Quotes 4) Questions 5) Connect 6-7) Summary and Review B). One place where understanding can be difficult is when ideas are complex and stretch over many paragraphs in a piece of writing (such as in science texts). C). The purpose of an introduction is to help the reader: 1) Clearly identify the purpose of the post (what is to be learned and why) and 2) To help orient the reader with respect to the topic at hand. ##Battling lead pipes with a steamroller - or using math to understand 3D art lead pipe simulations for plumbing The idea is simple: run many small, simple simulations to find out how two-parameter families of pipes fit together. This is a very useful approach for fixing scientific problems. ##Math, science and art Each morning I wake up before the dachshund wakes up to do its business next to his bed. The little guy seems very excited about going out - even though it's still dark out. He looks at the large window and the sun rising over a field of snow outside. He can't see me but I can see him looking at me. He gets up from his bed to look through the window and he starts shouting, "Mama! Mama!" The neighborhood seems to be waking up all around us as well as me upstairs. There is nothing like the first light of day. Science and art are very similar in some ways. Consider this image of a sunrise painting by Claude Monet: Monet's rough approximation of the first moments of morning light. The artist uses red, orange, yellow, purple and blue to paint what he sees on that day. The painting looks interesting because its shape changes as the artist constructs it.Now look at some simulation results for some pipes I am interested in: The simulation results for this pipe family look smooth but not perfect. For instance, the simulation has some deviation from the ideal shape for pipe A. The simulation results also show some deviation from an ideal shape for pipe C. I am not sure if this is because of the way I smooth my simulations or because of some imperfections in my pipe-simulation technique. But what's important at this point is that many people like the way these simulations look and they do not see any problem with these look-alike pipes. The graphs above show plots of 2D 2D and 3D shapes for each pipe family - which made them easy to compare to each other and compare to Monet's painting. cfa1e77820

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